Colour Group Awards for Early Career Researchers

The Colour Group (GB) provides

Officers and Committee members of the Colour Group (GB) are not eligible for any award.


Travel awards for Early Career Researchers

The goal of the Colour Group (GB) travel awards is to encourage students and young researchers who are members of the Colour Group (GB) either working or studying in a UK institution to present their work at national and international meetings, and to benefit from interaction with the international colour community. 

If you are presenting at a conference this year and your research is related to colour please consider applying for a Colour Group (GB) travel awards for Early Career Researchers. 

There are two sets of travel awards: The WD Wright Award and The Palmer Award. Detailed guidance and application forms are available for each award by following the links below. 

W D Wright

The WD Wright Award is intended for Post-Graduate Students in any field of colour.

D A Palmer

The Palmer Award is intended for Post-Doctoral Fellows (or equivalent) in any field of colour.

For the WD Wright Awards and Palmer Awards we invite applications that are substantially related to the subject of colour, but may be based in any discipline or mix of disciplines – including art, colour vision, colour science and colour imaging. Both research-based and practice-based work will be considered. 

Each award is currently valued upto £750. 

Application forms

Applications for the WD Wright Award or the Palmer Award should be made by downloading the Application Form , completing it and returning it electronically.

Be sure to observe the closing date usually the last Wednesday of March at 4pm.

Next closing date: Wednesday 26 March 2025 at 4pm.

Further enquiries and completed application forms should be addressed to the Colour Group (GB) Awards Officer, Emily Patterson via email:

 Robert W G Hunt International Poster Awards


Robert W G Hunt

The Colour Group (GB) will offer Robert W G Hunt International Poster Awards for the best poster presentations on the topic of colour at selected conferences and exhibitions. Each year, the selected conferences will be decided by the Colour Group (GB) Committee. Prizes will be awarded to young researchers on the basis of the quality of the work and the poster design. There will be no specific geographic requirements. The prizes serve the purpose of promoting the active colour community represented by the Colour Group (GB). The judging will typically be undertaken by Committee member(s) attending the conference and members of the local organising committee. 

The Colour Group (GB) will support no more than 5 conferences per year. 

In general, these awards will be announced and advertised by the relevant local organising committees and the Colour Group (GB) will be credited for its support.  Individuals cannot make application for these awards which are at the discretion of the relevant committees.  Queries may be made to the  Colour Group Awards Officer

Examples of winning awardees work are shown here.


Colour Group (GB) Student Grant Scheme 

The goal of the Colour Group (GB) Student Grant Scheme is to provide financial support and encouragement to students and young researchers who are members of the Colour Group (GB) either working or studying in a UK institution. 

The size of each grant is determined each year and the number awarded is limited to two. The grant is intended to cover fees for participating in national and international scientific training meetings such as summer schools, workshops, short courses, which offer opportunities to interact with renowned researchers worldwide.

The selection of candidates for the award of a grant is carried out by the scientific committee of the event. The Committee of the Colour Group (GB) should be given the name of the candidates, the name of the institution at which each one is studying or working, the name of their supervisor, the title of their project, a short CV. 

Individuals cannot make application for these awards which are at the discretion of the relevant committees.  Queries may be made to the  Colour Group Awards Officer:

In addition, the Colour Group Committee decided to make it a requirement that students applying for this Colour Group (GB) Student Grant Scheme must deliver an oral or a poster presentation at the event they attend. Awardees will be required to present at the Colour Group Awards meeting which usually in the autumn.

Officers and Committee members of the Colour Group (GB) are not eligible for any award.