11 Nov Colour Perception in Colour Vision Deficiency
An online event with five expert speakers on Colour Perception in Colour Vision Deficiency...
An online event with five expert speakers on Colour Perception in Colour Vision Deficiency...
Clinical case presentations followed by talks on clinical aspects of colour vision assessment. This will include a review of testing methods at the bedside and electrophysiology of colour vision...
We are excited to hear about a new colour-based exhibition in London and online...
Many organisations require an Annual General Meeting and the Colour Group (GB) is no exception. Please join us via videocall for an overview of the year and look forward to the future. ...
Announcement of the Virtual XVI Color Conference of the Italian Colors Association (Gruppo del Colore, Associazione Italiana Colore) held at the University of Bergamo and Online on 3-4 September 2020...
One of a series of meetings we intended to bring together clinicians and vision scientists to discuss the influence that visual disorders, normal brain function and psychophysical phenomena have on the generation and appreciation of visual art. The meetings will be of interest to vision...
International Colour Day promotes colour awareness in many world locations on the same day. This is the tenth year that the 21st March has been acknowledged as a day to celebrate colour internationally – and what a colourful day it is! The Colour Group will be...
The event is co-organised by the Colour Group GB (http://colour.org.uk/) and HTW – University of Applied Sciences Berlin(http://www.fiafnet.org/pages/Community/Supporters-HTW.html and http://krg.htw-berlin.de/files/Stg/KR/Bachelor/KRG_Audiovisuelles_und_Fotografisches_Kulturgut-Moderne_Medien_En.pdf.pdf), and ERC Advanced Grant FilmColors (University of Zurich) (http://filmcolors.org/2015/06/15/erc/) in collaboration with The British Film Institute (BFI) .The event will include screenings, keynote lectures and...
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Colour in the Clinic In association with the UK Neuro-ophthalmology Society, you are welcome to attend 'Colour in the Clinic' symposium taking place next Wednesday 12th February at the Guy's and St Thomas' Education Centre from 2-5pm. Programme: 14:00 - A clinical case from the...
About every two years the Colour Group awards its Newton Medal to a distinguished worker in the field of colour science, on the occasion of his or her delivery of The Newton Lecture. This year the Newton Lecture and Medal will be presented This year...