22 Feb Anya Hurlbert on Radio 4: A lifetime in Colour
Colour Group (GB) honorary lifetime member Professor Anya Hurlbert will be featured on Radio 4's The Life Scientific this week....
Colour Group (GB) honorary lifetime member Professor Anya Hurlbert will be featured on Radio 4's The Life Scientific this week....
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Colour in the Clinic In association with the UK Neuro-ophthalmology Society, you are welcome to attend 'Colour in the Clinic' symposium taking place next Wednesday 12th February at the Guy's and St Thomas' Education Centre from 2-5pm. Programme: 14:00 - A clinical case from the...
About every two years the Colour Group awards its Newton Medal to a distinguished worker in the field of colour science, on the occasion of his or her delivery of The Newton Lecture. This year the Newton Lecture and Medal will be presented This year...
Every year Pantone nominate a Colour of the Year - the image here shows the 2020 colour....
Robert W G Hunt Poster Awards 2019 Local colour and patterns (essence of place) Glenn McArthur OCAD University, Toronto, Canada Presented at the AIC2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina Abstract This is a pedagogical project for first-year OCAD University design students with the objective of exposing them to the concept that every...
JANUARY VISION MEETING, Wednesday 08 January 2020, City University London, EC1V 0HB, The traditional January meeting A ticket required for admission, lunch and refreshment - see event page, Wednesday 08 January 2020 City University London, EC1V 0HB...
The challenges of assessing acquired loss of colour vision Date & Time: 14.00 hrs, Wednesday 5 December 2018 Venue: City University...
The latest stab at a more 'intense' blue has been made by scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in northern California, working with artist Olga Alexopoulou and color researcher Maria Chatzidakis. They have made strides towards developing a new, high-tech pigment dubbed "Quantum Blue."Check it...