01 May 2025 Colour Group (GB) 64th Annual General Meeting and Celebration of the 85th Anniversary
Our last meeting of the 2024/25 programme will be held on Thursday 1st May 2025. On the day, we will start with the Colour Group’s 64th Annual General Meeting (AGM) for our members to:
- review the activities and performance in the calendar year of 2024 via the presentation of the Trustees’ Report; and
- vote for the election of new members of the 2025/26 committee
Founded in 1940 as an interdisciplinary society, the Colour Group has been drawing together people interested in all aspects of colour – its perception, measurement, reproduction, and artistic expression. Year 2025 marks the 85th anniversary of the Colour Group. After the AGM, we will celebrate this special occasion with our guest speaker Andrew Hanson. Andrew will show us his top 10 favourite colour demos. These demos are the selections Andrew has found to be the most popular visual demos that people enjoy, after his many years of talking about colour with very general audiences. In the Q&A portion of his demos, Andrew would love to hear your favourites too – so have them ready!
The meeting will be ended with a preview of our draft programme for 2025/26 and the farewell messages from Vien Cheung, our outgoing Chairman by role rotation, and the warm welcome to Jasna Martinovic who will take on the Chairmanship for 2025/26 and 2026/27.
14:00 AGM
14:45 Halstead-Granville Tea (with birthday cake)
15:15 “My top 10 favourite colour demos” – Andrew Hanson
16:00 Draft programme 2025/26 preview; Chairmanship transition
16:30 Close
The meeting will be held in Room C309 at City St George’s, University of London (Tait Building, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB Map) and remotely on Zoom. Please register via Eventbrite to indicate your attendance format (this will help us to organise the Halstead-Granville Tea efficiently, thanks!).
In Person Attendance registration
Online Attendance registration
Guest Speaker Biography
Andrew Hanson first measured colour, by eye using standard conditions, of ornamental plants as an experimental horticulturalist, and in a separate design project colour matched about 2 million stitches on a large church kneeler project. After graduating as an applied physicist, the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) – impressed with his artistic interests – put him to work building a device to trace colour measurements of visual display units to the UK’s national radiometric scale. He built other devices, ran calibration services and talked increasingly about colour in what became a second career in science communication. Right from the start at NPL in 1986 he was taken to Colour Group meetings by his coworkers, and realising his love of the Group, paid up for life membership with his second pay packet. He has been newsletter editor, and Chair of the Group and after mentoring from the magnificent Arthur Tarrant, still gives regular talks to the general public on colour and light.